Special Preliminary Architectural, Study Participation in architectural competition after preselection, Patra-March 2004 i


K.Moraitis, V. Farmaki, Ai. Chelidoni

Collaborator Architects: G. Atsalakis, A. Zisimopoulou, ARSIS Architects.

Structural study:

Ch. Kirpotin and CO, Consultant Engineers Ε.Ε.

Collaborator Civil Engineer, M. Kourousi

E/M study:

A.Papamatthaiou and Associates – Ch. Georgitsogiannakos, M.Papamatthaiou

Bioclimatic design’s consultant:



The obvious subject of the competition refers to a mutilated, fragmented building and the current demand of its functional completion. However, the competition’s main subject regards the architectural management of the relation with history – it obligates us to answer a series of questions.

First series of questions: Is the connection with the history given? Does it constitute an object of a given teaching, which we ruminate as a conservation recipe?

Second series of questions: Does the destruction, the rupture, the abolishment of the continuousness exist as a historical phenomenon? If so, is it the responsibility of the contemporary creator to conceal these discontinuity phenomena? To heal all the wounds, in a remarkable, reassuring normalization of the historical consciousness? Nevertheless, this reconstruction constitutes the falsification to the historical and social moral.

Alternately, the proposal decides to register the historical interruption and convey the historical contrast. Particularly, to maintain the rescued shell  and add an entirely distinct construction, expressively consistent of contemporary integrations.